You know you are living in a developing country when…

  1. You find yourself talking about the bathroom for hours a day.  Travis, one of our recent volunteers, banned himself from dating for at least a month after he returned home. 
  2. You talk about American food almost as much as you talk about the bathroom.
  3. Spiders the size of a fist stop phasing you.
  4. Bus rides are the new bungee.
  5. You wear the same outfit every single day partially because other clothes are too dirty but partially because it’s the top outfit in your backpack.
  6. Hoarding food seems normal.  Gummies, hard boiled eggs, and other wierd things start to fill your pockets.
  7. You check under your bed every night for snakes.  Seriously.
  8. A headlamp is your most prized possession.  You panic without it.
  9. You begin creating inventions like a lawnchair with a hole that you can sit on when using a squat toilet.  Refer back to #1.
  10. Your friends begin to look like Christopher McCandless [Into The Wild].

One thought on “You know you are living in a developing country when…

  1. Um, Erin, I thought you were trying to attract people to your next project not scare them away…

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